Licensed Mental Health Certification | ONLINE

Demand for licensed mental health counselors is enormous and on the rise. 现在, 更甚于以往, we need mental health workers to support the millions of children, 青年, and adults whose lives have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. If you are interested in becoming licensed as a mental health counselor, 博彩平台排名 University offers a graduate, non-degree certificate program in mental health counseling.  该计划旨在提供印第安纳州要求的内容 License in Mental Health Counseling. 许多州对执照提供互惠,这个项目对来自任何州的学生开放. 学生有责任确定他们打算申请执照的州的执照委员会是否接受LMHC证书课程.

The LMHC program offers:

  • 100%在线教学,由经验丰富的心理健康专业人士进行异步教学和有针对性的个人参与.
  • Federal financial aid is available—for more information, email or call 317-940-8200

LMHC课程是专门为满足目前持有48学分硕士学位的学校咨询毕业生的需求而设计的. The LMHC program builds on curriculum of the school counselor, but admission is not limited to school counselors. This 12-credit hour track aligns with the 印第安纳州 standards for the LMHC license.

  • The program consists of four (3 credit) courses
  • 申请人必须在合格的学校或心理健康机构完成700小时的实习/实习. 颁发700小时实习学分的大学项目将需要在LMHCA许可证申请的表格P和I上签字, 证明该经验符合“心理健康咨询实践”的法定定义.”
  • 符合条件的学生可以在秋季选修两门课程,在春季选修两门课程, 有资格在春季学期结束前向印第安纳州申请执照.
  • 学生必须在春季课程之前注册秋季课程.
  • Students who only need selected courses may be eligible to apply, and should contact the program coordinator.

Applications now being accepted for fall semester.

目前接受秋季研究生非学位申请.  如果您对入学程序或申请要求有疑问,请联系

Questions about the LMHC program can be directed to Susan Kleinman